The Centre for Excellence also known as CFE Information Technologies was formed in 1991 with the view of supplying Oracle relational database solutions to the marketplace. In the years since, The Centre for Excellence has attained widespread market penetration and unrivalled customer satisfaction.

   Based on this success, and more than 10 years of quality design and development, The Centre for Excellence is now a Partner of the Oracle Co-Operative Applications Initiative (CAI). The Centre for Excellence's role in this partnership is the provision of a fully integrated suite of applications for Local Government.

   The Centre for Excellence specializes in relational database solutions using the Oracle Tools namely; the Oracle Database and Oracle Designer®, Developer® and Programmer® tools. The Centre for Excellence can provide fully developed and integrated solutions to Local Government, Building and Manufacturing industries.

Modules include:


Property Leasing


Pavement Management

Property Rates

Stores and Materials

Plant and Vehicle Maintenance

Customer Billing

Job Costing

Building and Parks Management


Road Restorations

Bridge Management

Cost Collection

Booking Systems

Drainage Management

Cash Receipting

Parking Meters

Customer Contact/Request/Service

Contract Management

General Ledger Fixed Asset

   The Centre for Excellence has a team of experienced design and development consultants with skills in:

  • Application Development

  • Project Management

  • Oracle Apps Implementation Resources

  • Database Administration Services

  • Application Design Services

  • Application Development Services

  • Application Integration Services

  • Database Sizing and Performance Tuning Services

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    2001-2002 © The Centre For Excellence. All rights reserved.