CFE has been operating a traffic count service in Sydney for the past 12 years and has an on-line database containing over 12,000 pneumatic tubes counts that we have undertaken during this period, primarily on roads within the Sydney Greater Metropolitan area and to a lesser extent in other regions within NSW.

Over the years our clients have primarily been traffic consultants, municipal traffic engineers and road safety offices with the occasional count being done for the RTA at Blacktown, Eastern Creek, Parramatta and Rosebery offices.

More recently we have been involved in large scale projects at the state government level having successfully completed the Commercial Transport Study : Classified Vehicle Count Study for the Transport Data Centre (TDC) of the NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources. This study involved the collection of 212 lanes of traffic at 41 sites on Sydney's major transport links, a report of which was co-authored by myself, John Peachman and Lita Mendigorin from the Transport Data Centre as is to be presented at the upcoming Australasian Transport Research Forum conference (Wellington Oct 3). As a result of the success of this project, we were contracted by the RTA to undertake a commercial vehicle (freight) survey at Port Botany prior to the last state government election and more recently we undertook comprehensive counts for the Lane Cove Tunnel project (refer Ray Daltrey). We understand that our company name is now provided by Ray Daltrey when people inquire about traffic counting services in Sydney.

Currently, we rotate around 100 counters every week which are either Golden River, QTC or Microcom pneumatic tube counters. We also have around 15 VDAS counters that we don't use. In this regard, we have enough counters to undertake large scale traffic surveys on Sydney main roads concurrently. We do not offer any other service such as manual counting or consulting however we do regularly work in conjunction with manual counters and other environmental monitoring companies.

By operating Microcom 5600 counters we can offer a service at least as accurate as our competitors however, with the use of QTC counters we can offer a more accurate service in multilane highly congested (stop and go) traffic, high volume and/or high commercial vehicle situations. I know that some salespeople within the industry use the term "accuracy" in a somewhat loose and ambiguous fashion, however being not a salesperson I will say only that I am to present a paper at the upcoming Australasian Transport Research Forum conference (Wellington Oct 3) that will be the (to date) definitive statement on counter accuracy in multilane highly congested (stop and go) traffic, high volume and/or high commercial vehicle situations. When this paper is published (co-authored by myself, John Peachman and Lita Mendigorin from the Transport Data Centre), I will allow it to speak for itself. Please note that the projects mentioned above were all high volume roads incorporating three lane roads and four or more lane roads with no median. All of the counts were videotaped and the majority were audited for accuracy. The report of which I speak details this accuracy.


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